Good Clinic App

Loud and Clear
Queue Signal 🖥 👩🏻‍⚕️👨🏻‍⚕️

Serve more patients and keep your queue butter-smooth.
GoodQMS is a good queue manager for your clinic.

Assist your clinic by switching to Good Clinic App

Start with a 14-day free trial

Simple solutions to managing
Patient + Inventory + Invoice records

Give us a try using a 14-day free trial

👋 You are in good hands. Join other clinics to use Good Clinic App.

Start with a free trial. Register below and someone will contact you shortly.

Let your business grow!

  • Grow your patient queue
  • Display missed queue numbers
  • Keep the queue butter smooth
  • Prevent loss of queue ticket
  • Increase productivity of doctors
  • Increase overall patients served
  • Improve happiness of patients waiting
  • Visualise your daily queue size

👌 Yes for all these questions:

  1. Have a visual cue signal? YES!
  2. Display missed queue number? YES!
  3. Provide a simple interface? YES!
  4. Make it easy to use? YES!
  5. Play a loud sound cue? YES!
  6. Work with Clinic Assist? Plato? YES!
  7. Start with a free trial? YES!
  8. Work standalone without other software? YES!
  9. Require no user manual? YES!